Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday morning coming down.

Good thing it is Sunday, because we woke up to about 8 inches of the fluffy white shit all over the ground. As much as I hate the stuff we really needed it bad. A few more inches predicted for today. Power went out last night while the white shit dropped and so my coffee wasn't ready when I got up and that don't help any ones morale around this house.

Phillip plans to make a shitload of lasagna today for the freezer. Make for the meals he likes the most. Not shake and bake but thaw and bake. When we go out he puts the frozen stuff in the cooler and takes it with us. If it's cool I take it out a while to thaw and if it's hot it will thaw out enough in the cooler. He is a good thing to have around. We got 3 large zucchini from the fruit stand out in Aguila and we had fried zucchini for lunch the other day then he made 8 loaves of zucchini and banana bread for the freezer. Good with the beans he cooked up in the crock pot a while back and froze. Yep! He is a handy person to have around. Think I'll keep him. I would probably settle for cereal like a lot of the other oldies if he didn't cook.


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