Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy day.

We decided to clean up and sort all the crystals we got in the last few weeks. Took them down to the river to do it. Phillip put the crystals in a screen and then into the water to soak the clay. Then he swished them around till all the loose dirt had washed of. He put them in a pan with clean water then I sat on my behind and cleaned most of dirt off the good ones with a brush. Got some real nice ones and also a fair amount of crap. Later I will pick out some of the best to sell individually,and some to bag up and sell after I reclean them. The rest I will bag up to use as stock to give the folks who didn't find a good amount of crystals when we take them out. They can fininsh cleaning them. They can buy their own acid to get the rust stain off if they so choose. I tossed the junk crystals out all around where I was sitting. Sometime this summer some body will find them and wonder WTF. Where did these come from. They will be looking all over to see. Reminds me of the time Mom and I were down here for one of her stargazing thingys and we had picked up some brecciated jasper in a wash, coming back up from Phoenix. We stopped at Burro Creek on the way up north and picked up some pastelite. We decided since what we picked up was too much a load with the jasper, we jettisoned the jasper there along side the road where picked up the pastelite. I'll bet that had some people thinking. A few years later when I brought the folks down to AZ, Mom and I went out to Burro Creek, and sure enough, not a trace of the jasper remained. Some body glommed onto it. One other time Phillip and I were out on the desert where we get geodes and we parked in a pull-off to look for geodes. There was a pile of rocks near a fire pit. I looked at them and saw a few nice pieces of wonderstone. Had me looking round a bit until I also saw some sliced rocks. Then I knew someone else had jettisoned stones to make room for geodes maybe.

The willows and the alders are leafing out good down at the river. The cottonwoods will be blooming soon down there and there will be the fluff all over the place. Lots of creeping murtle starting to bloom and Phillip took pics. They will have to be processed yet. Camera still in the rig. So many birds. All kinds just singing away down there. I guess they are happy it's warming up enough to mate and nest. Fly catchers divebombing bugs and eating them and there was a flock of sparrows all around the edge of the wide spot where the road crosses the river. They were all taking baths. Then they would fly up in the trees and fluff feathers to dry. Didn't see a sign of the heron, but I'll bet he was around somewhere. We did see some ducks fly up from down below. Must have been in the lower pool where somebody has dammed up a place for the kids to play in the water.

I see by the clock, it's getting close to bed time for me. Nite all.


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