Thursday, November 26, 2015


Lost my wireless conection again. Doing this the hard way by email.
Hope you all have a good Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Crazy wind in Spokane!

Hello everybody!  Yesterday we had some crazy weather.  It was so nuts that they shut down most of Spokane.  Normally, this type of event is due to severe rain or snow, but yesterday the cause was high wind.  At first I scoffed at such a concept "canceling classes because of wind?"  However, on the way home I realized why it was important to send folks home.  I actually saw what happens when a power line snaps.  I saw a flash of white/bluish light followed by a sparking end of a live wire shooting out orange colored sparks.  It was pretty scary, but I can say that the live end was not whipping around like you see in the movies.  We lost power briefly a few moments but no more than 10 minutes each time.  It was announced this morning that classes today at Gonzaga are cancelled, so I have the day to get caught up on stuff.  I went out for a brief walk this morning to check out the carnage.  All in all it wasn't that bad.  We live up near Whitworth University on the north end of Spokane.  If you ever have been to Whitworth, then you have seen all the trees on campus.  I think this makes the campus beautiful but on the other hand, if a wind storm hits then there will be a lot of downed trees.  

The pictures below are of the trees near the Whitworth campus area in our neighborhood.