Tuesday, January 31, 2012



thought this was interesting....didn't know this location

Have you ever wanted to walk across the bottom of the River, Lake or Ocean to see all the ships that have sunk? Well....

The Aral Sea was once the world's fourth-largest saline body of water. It has been steadily shrinking since the 1960's.It's almost gone leaving a desert full of old shipwrecks.

And it had already been starved of nearly 30 yrs of water by 1989

Really quite unreal isn't it, you just saw the BOTTOM of the once fourth largest salt water sea in the world


Thought for the day.

There are days like this, even with grown kids.

Monday, January 30, 2012

More from the canyon.

Some bones sticking out of the side wall of the canyon.
Below is something that came from the side wall. Who knows what it is. Phillip put it up on this old tree to get s better picture of it.

We went out to the area again today. Checked out a couple of old mine sites near by. Lots of old junk around. The forest service has burnt the old houses and trailer houses and people have been dismantaling the buildings for the materials. All big machinery has been removed. Still haven't found where the actual mine was. Just see ore rock around the place. The fireplace in one of the houses was made out of rust stained ore rock.

It has fallen down since the house was burnt. Phillip took pictures of it. Still lots of waterlines left around the place. I'm surprised someone hasn't taken all the pipe apart and took it. I turned on one faucet and water came out. Must be tapped into a spring way up a wash or something since all the pumps and stuff have been removed.
We want to explore another old mine site another time. We have looked at it on google. Maybe we will find the old dump. The dump at the one we explored today was covered over. The older stuff was probable just thrown in to the creek as Phillip found old stuff all along the creek when he hiked down it for 3 1/2 miles. Lots of old workings down the creek. All the old dumps had been searched but he did find Indian encampments on some of the benches and found arrowheads.

I looked for arrowheads today while Phillip took a hike to one old mine site. He looked around a bit and found an old dump. Said I can make it to the site without a problem.
We will do this some other time. I found 1 whole arrowhead a 2 broken ones today.

I'm tired and it's my bedtime.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend again.

Way to go with no tours lined up and hunters about.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thought for the day.

Well! It's another day. It's sunny but also a weekend and the hunters are about. Time to get some stuff done around the house. I'll be glad when hunting season is over and you don't have to worry about getting an arrow in the butt when you bend over to pick up a rock.

Anyway, if any of you have tried to call our old cell phone and got a disconnected message, it's true. We got the cell phone for emergencies when we were on the road. We don't get reception here in Wilhoit anyway. But now we have bought a trackfone for emergencies. Only 9.95 a month compared to 40.00. Our new number is 928-231-7296 If you get a call from that number it will be one of us. Only good for this area code but we don't go back and forth up north now.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thought for the day.

Have a wonderful day ya,ll.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Does this make it feel any warmer up there in the north country? Not this warm down here but not as cold as up there.

Our people from Canada finally made it. They were going to drive down but weather didn't preform for them. They flew and rented a car she said and we will meet them in Congress and go rock hunting from there. Should be nice and sunny but not shorts weather. They plan to go to Quartzite but we won't go this year.

Gotta get a move on.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Revolting developement.

You know it's a revolting development when...............

Monday, January 23, 2012

One of THOSE kinda days.

Windy, rainy and maybe snowy before the day is out. Haven't heard from the people from Canada who were coming down tomorow to rockhunt. Maybe they got stuck in the snow somewhere. Good day to play puter games


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to the canyon.

This a view from one rim across the canyon to the rim on the other side. Canyon is about 2 miles wide at this point.

Phillip found that there were bears and cougars down in the canyon. A bear was through here not long ago.

This juniper was torn to shreds by an elk rubbing the velvet off his antlers. A lot of small pinion pines have had all the limbs stripped from them by the elk.

When I was up on the rim I saw where the bears have tipped over a lot of old tree stumps from the long ago logging operations, in search of grubs. I see the tracks and hope to never see the animals.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thought for the day.

Beautiful red and gold sunrise. Windy and partly cloudy. Rain in the forcast for thr next 3 days, so that means I will have to sit and play puter games. Awww!!. Good thing we went out yesterday.


Friday, January 20, 2012

How tired I am!

And I mean really dragging. I drug it up wash, down wash,over the flats and across the washes. Must have put at least 2 miles a dragging it.

We went out to the same area where Phillip found the fossils. Found a few rocks but no arrowheads, either of us. Found the weirdest thing though. Somebody is drilling a well on forest service property. Couldn't figure out why. Anyway Phillip and I split up and went different directions. When I got back to the rig I found a couple of rigs parked by us and two guys setting up camp. They were hunters. Bow season for deer and pigs. They were pig hunters. I talked to them a bit and they have been camping and hunting this area every weekend since the first of Jan. They told me the well was being drilled for a mining process. Seems a guy was rockhunting and found a chunk of quartz with gold in it now he want's to mine for it. Phillip had found a wash down in the canyon that had been worked extensively. He had a gold pan and the metal locater with him the first day in. Didn't get a color or a locater reading. Hell of a lot of quartz up on the rim of the canyon. Massive outcropping' s must have eroded uphill somewhere. Most of all the rocks on the flats and in most washes is float. Agoodly portion is some excellent fine grain material that the Indians have chipped on. Most is white and light pimk. Beautiful stuff. I never saw any with gold. Rat's!!. Picked up some pink agate the Indians were working with. Wish I knew where they got it.

I'm tired as all get out and in an hour or so I'm hitting the sack.


Thought for the day.

Maybe I can add to it today. Who knows?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More from the canyon.

The Indians were living in the canyon many many years ago. Phillip found this half a matate partly buried in the dirt. There were lots of broken ones around. The only whole one he found was a monster one with 3 dips in it. He didn't take a picture of it because it was back in some bushes. Lots of chips and pottery shards around.

This is an ancient digging tool. Phillip should have laid his pick down by it so you could tell what the size was in comparison to it.

I guess I should have put the site of this fire pit picture in first. Anyway this old Indian fire pit was almost covered with rocks, roots and erosion. Phillip dug into it to see what might be in it. The charcoal was still perfectly preserved in the bentonite. Biggest portion of the silt in this canyon is bentonite. In the market, pure bentonite is silica gel. It is used to dry flowers in, and to put in oil wells to seal them. The less pure stuff is used to seal ditches and ponds.

This is what the pit looked like before he dug in it.

Lots of animals live down in the canyon now. Next time I will include pictures of the evidence.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

" Veddy interestink"

This is a view Phillip took when he was down in the canyon. He has more pictures, but with my sloooow upload I will have to do them a few at a time.

Looking along at some of the deposits of silt. Phillip said the ground was pulverized with elk, deer and pig tracks. Lots of rubs in ths area because there are a couple of springs and a creek that runs a bit above ground in places. Indians were down here on some of the higher benches.

Here is just one of the bones sticking out of a wall of sediment. Who knows what kind it is. Looks like the bones were deposited in the silt after the animal had lost all flesh because they are not all together like a body would have been but wide spread. He found a part of a tooth yesterday.

I stayed up on the rim of the canyon and looked for arrowheads. Nada!! I did find two very nice scrapers, a matate and some broken matates, manos and jillions of chips.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


It better be. I plan to go out to where Phillp found the fossils today. I might find it there, or maybe I will find an arrowhead or two while Phillip goes down in the canyon to look at more fossils.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thought for the day.

Raining today. Good day to plunk my butt and play computer games. I downloaded a game called "Around the world in 80 days ". Just finished the 80th day and found a supprise at the end. Won't tell you what it is, you will just have to do the game and find out what it is. You can download games from this site free of charge and they are complete games. www.myrealgames.com


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another "Am I a poet and didn't know it".

Like his Mother used to do.

He didn't like my casserole,
He didn't like my cake.
My bisquits weren't soft ,
The way his Mother used to bake.

I didn't perk the coffee right,
He didn't like my stew.
I couldn't even iron his shirts,
like his Mother used to do.

I wondered why we married,
It's a mystery to me.
He was looking for the girl,
Next door, like Mother used to be.

I pondered for an answer,
I was searching for a clue.
Then I got mad and,
Smacked him, like Mother used to do.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Busy day

Well this was just about it. I started out with good intentions. Phillip decided to take a day off on his own and so I decided to try and bring some organized chaos to the rock shop since we have some people from Canada coming down on the 24th. There are so many rocks, boxes, equipment and stuff to move I got discouraged right away. I did do some bench cleaning and putting things back where they belong. Phillip can always use things but never seems to get finished enough to put things away again. Anyway I closed up the shop and went in to get some lunch. Donna called and after talking to her I just said to hell with it.

Phillip had a good day though. He hiked into a place and started to find fossils. Some large pieces of bones turned to rock. No teeth but this is an area where they did a mastadon dig while I was staying at Stanton. I would like to get in and do some looking too but Phillip says it's too far for me to walk in, look and walk out of. You know him and his long legs, he can cover the ground fast. He also found a broken spearpoint and a couple of broken arrowheads and one good one. Damn kid!

When I went to the mastadon dig I met a kid who had found a big tooth in a wash a few miles away. He wanted to talk to the forest service people there and see if he couldn't get it identified. A teacher from the Prescott college told him not to let the forest people even see the tooth or they would take it away from him. Told him to bring it to the college and they would get it identified for him. Turns out it was a rhino tooth. He found it in the main river channel and didn't know where it came from.

Phillip may have stumbled onto the site it came from. He plans to look more before he tells anyone about where it is. I suppose he will want to get back to it soon. He said he saw footprints that must have been from a hunter. They never crossed the fence like he did, so the other person probable never went into the area if he had to cross fences. Phillip said there was lots of elk sign in the area but I don't think elk season is open now. Just deer, pigs, and birds. Phillp said up at the head of the wash was a spring with a trickle of water and that's where the indian encampment was.

Suposed to rain tomorrow. Who knows. Monday too. We need the rain but not the mud that comes with a lot of rain. If it rains maybe we can get the shop finally cleaned out. Maybe?