Wednesday, January 18, 2012

" Veddy interestink"

This is a view Phillip took when he was down in the canyon. He has more pictures, but with my sloooow upload I will have to do them a few at a time.

Looking along at some of the deposits of silt. Phillip said the ground was pulverized with elk, deer and pig tracks. Lots of rubs in ths area because there are a couple of springs and a creek that runs a bit above ground in places. Indians were down here on some of the higher benches.

Here is just one of the bones sticking out of a wall of sediment. Who knows what kind it is. Looks like the bones were deposited in the silt after the animal had lost all flesh because they are not all together like a body would have been but wide spread. He found a part of a tooth yesterday.

I stayed up on the rim of the canyon and looked for arrowheads. Nada!! I did find two very nice scrapers, a matate and some broken matates, manos and jillions of chips.


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