Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thought for the day.

Well! It's another day. It's sunny but also a weekend and the hunters are about. Time to get some stuff done around the house. I'll be glad when hunting season is over and you don't have to worry about getting an arrow in the butt when you bend over to pick up a rock.

Anyway, if any of you have tried to call our old cell phone and got a disconnected message, it's true. We got the cell phone for emergencies when we were on the road. We don't get reception here in Wilhoit anyway. But now we have bought a trackfone for emergencies. Only 9.95 a month compared to 40.00. Our new number is 928-231-7296 If you get a call from that number it will be one of us. Only good for this area code but we don't go back and forth up north now.


1 comment:

Bull River Gal said...

Added your tracphone number to our phone's phone book!!