Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is here?

Today was farmers market day down on the desert so we decided to get the hell out of dodge and head down that way and pick up some fresh veggies. Cleared off last night and froze the snow hard as ice. I had to walk on top of the snow to the rig because Phillip couldn't even begin to put shovel in the stuff. Now if the snow is frozen that hard, and I can walk on top of it, you know it got right cold last night.

Down below, It was real "snice" as Phillip says. I had to keep my sweatshirt on most of the day, but that was because of a slight breeze. I did set the chair up behind the rig out of the breeze and sat there and soaked up that warm sunshine a bit. As usual Phillip took a long hike and the shit found 6 arrowheads in an encampment about 2 1/2 miles up in the low hills. Not me this time, I drug my ass up there a couple of years ago and got pooped out. It was that place where he kept saying ' just a little bit farther, we're almost there" for the last half mile up hill. " Never again", says I. I walked all over around the vicinity of the rig and never found anything worth keeping except some desert roses and a broken arrowhead. I found 2 different outcrops of agate the Indians must have got material from because there were chips all over the place. Vein was only about 4 inches wide in one and about 1 inch in the other. Pale blue and white with a lacy pattern. I dug out a couple of pieces that were much blue-er, so goes to show it does fade on exposure to the sun. It was fairly dry down there. A few puddles around but the ground was so dry, the rain was soaked up like a sponge.

Afterward we got our veggies and came back up to snow country. The snow was melted in the driveway, and places where Phillip shoveled the snow that fell off the roof onto the porch. Even the place where I walked on frozen snow had melted in the sun. There is still plenty of snow in the yard yet.

Hey Jake! That photoluminescence stuff sounds kinda interesting but I don't know about that illipitti, whatever other stuff. But then, Hey! I'm weired about these things anyway.


1 comment:

Jake said...

Photoluminescence is fairly straight forward, here's the rub: you shine light on stuff and light comes off of it. Kind of the same principal behind 'black lights' that make stuff 'glow'. If it works you can tell a lot about how the material is structured and how electrons can hop around in it. If it don't work then you gnash your teeth and try not to think about the time you spent doing PL when you could have been doing something else.