Sunday, July 22, 2012


Good grief! What happened to the rest of the week? Well wed. we did the usual dump thing then went on into town to pick up a couple of things. On the way home we stopped at the creek where Phillip saw the apple orchard. Hiked over and took a look around. The old timers worked the creek extensively for gold. Lots of rock work in the creek to channel water. Phillip took a video of it with his still camera but it didn't turn out. He wants to do it with the new camera and see how that works. He did one short on just to see how to do it but none since. I haven't figured out how to do videos with it yet but I did get a few pics at the place with it. I didn't hike up the creek very far because my legs are doing the same thing they do every summer about this time. Darn things just don't want to work right. I think it must have something to do with the heat because when it's cooler I don't have the problem.

I finally got the pics Phillip took down at the river when we saw the pigs, processed. Can't see the pigs in the weeds down there in this pic, even I know they are there.

I caught Phillip coming out from under some of the apple trees.

Got these pictures out of order but these are some of the pigs going up the bank. Definitely not good pics of them. They went so fast up the bank and into the trees.

Let's see! Thursday was volunteer day. Phillip met a dude there that is into rock hunting big time.

No rain so on Friday we went down to the river and soaked our feet a while and got 35 gallons of water while we were down there for the garden. Good free water since we were down there any way.

Saturday, the Guy Phillip met at the Senior food distribution, called and wanted to have us come out to his place to see his rocks and stuff. He is an older dude and he wants Phillip to help him get some equipment organized and running. He has big saw and will cut some of the stuff we got on shares. We went out to his place and Wow! he has some fantastic beryl and smoky quartz crystals he got somewhere around Mount Antero in CO. One smoky crystal that weighed 100 + pounds. He sold the crystal but had lots of pictures of it on the wall of his shop. His showcase had Aquas in it that would make you drool. Interesting dude.

Now here it is Sunday again and Phillip is out in the shop working on his sticks. He said he will get pics of them when he is done.

We got a little rain last night. Just about enough to settle the dust. At least the lights didn't go out for a change.

Iv'e got to get off this darn thing and get some things done.


1 comment:

Bull River Gal said...

Love the pics.....The creek looks very inviting!!