Monday, July 16, 2012

Nice day!

Happens all the time.

Beautiful day today. Got to about 78 and partly cloudy. Still muddy as all get out but Phillip and I decided while it is a bit cooler today we would go looking for more walking sticks. Too muddy to go to our usual haunts so we parked along side the road going to Prescott and went over the bank to the creek to check for sticks. I went one way and Phillip went downstream toward town. He spotted some asparagus plants next to the creek. There are a few apple trees we have seen there on the way back and forth to town. He took a side creek and found an old homestead with a big apple orchard. Said there were no building left but there was a lot of rock work around. He did see some iris they had planted. We want to go back and mark the asparagus plants so we can dig them up this winter and plant them here. I want to go see the old homestead and see if there are asparagus plants there. The ones on the creek came from somewhere. Seeds probably carried by the birds. Same with the apple trees by the creek. Who knows, there might even be a rhubarb plant there as well. This place was probably made by some of the miners who worked a mine not too far up the creek. Only thing left of the mine is a big tailing pile. You can see where some of the old big trees down by the creek have been fire charred a bit. May have been a forest fire that wiped out all the buildings at the mine and homestead. Maybe more mines and homesteads in the area. Will have to check it out. Have to remember the camera when we go.

Got 10 new sticks and we got them peeled. Just have to let them dry, and hope none of the split.Looks like 1 willow and the rest box elder. Phillip like the alders to wood burn on best but there wasn't any nice shaped ones in this creek.

My bed time, Nite.


1 comment:

Bull River Gal said...

PUT SOME PICS UP OF PHILLIP'S STICKS!! It would be great to see some of them.