Monday, July 16, 2012


Had two days of pretty good rain with the thunder storms rolling through.  So much rain that we won't have to water the new grass for a few days to say the least.  Gotta go to the doctor tomorrow....she is going to want me to go see a pulmonary specialist......yeah, I get to go through the CAT scans crap again, no doubt!!  Clack, clack, clack, noisy dang machines...and don't forget to hold perfectly still..and....hold your breath!!  Don't pass out while you are holding your breath......shheez!! 

Working on a new quilt top...blocks are made by placing a 5 inch square right side down on a 6 inch square and sewing diagonally from corner to corner on the five inch square.  Cut away remaining fabric with a 1/4 inch seam and fold over and press the five + inch triangle for your finished 6 inch square. All 6 inch squares are light colored in various prints and all 5 inch squares are dark colored prints. 

I decided to sew the remaining (cut-away) fabric to make roughly 4 inch half-square triangle blocks which I will incorporate as a border or as rows within the quilt...don't know yet.  I will need to lay the blocks out on a design wall to figure out.  When I get further on, I will post a pic. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE KIDS COMING TO VISIT....Dad is too.....he has been working on the yard in order to show case it!!

1 comment:

Rockhunter said...

You're gonna have to post a picture of it when done. One way to use up whats left from the block making. Just smaller blocks. I have seen where they mark the blocks on a diag and then sew a 1/4 inch on each side of the mark and cut on the line and have two blocks alike. No small pieces left to mess with. Oh well, I haven't done any quilt making in a long time.