Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cooler day at the river.

Phillip caught this butterfly slurping nectar from a mint sprig. Actually he took several pictures trying to get one with it's wings all the way open. Darn thing was just pigging away and wouldn't cooperate and keep his wings open. Ungrateful wretch!... Can you believe the nerve of that creature. Any way it lead Phillip a merry chase trying.

We went for a walk down stream and saw the hawk waiting on a limb just below the nest. The nest is in a huge clump of mistletoe. We were below him when Phillip took this shot of it. This is a huge tall cottonwood tree, and the nest is almost at the top. The hawks used the same nest last year, but never could get a pic of either of them. Phillip tried with the Sony but when I tried to zoom in and crop it out the pixels spread too far apart. Zoomed in 5 times with this new camera and cropped this out.

A pic of some penstemons. This was before the rain so they are a bit droopy. Quite a color splash in a somewhat arid scene. They were growing along side the road.

One of the denizens of the deep. Well probably deep for him anyway. Actually he was in about 4 inches of water. He kept wanting to hide under the rock and I kept tapping it till he came out. Gotcha!!! Lots of these guys down there in the river but too small to catch and eat. Lots of tiny fish in this hole as well. Some are bottom feeders and some look like trout. Too darn small to tell for me.

As usual all this excitement made me weary so I went and parked my butt in the chair and put my feet in the water. Doing the thing I do best this time of year, Nothing!!! My favorite thing next to playing puter games when it's too hot for anything else.

Today was another exciting day in the life of the AZ Hanks. Yes by golly, we got to take the garbage to the dump on the way to town. Had to pick up a new tire because one of the back ones got a side wall puncture. Oh joy!!! We needed that like a new hole in the head. See what I mean by excitement? Sheeeesh!


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