Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Granmaw always told me!!!

You know that old saying" If at first you don't succeed BS". I found out it's truth.

You know she said " what's the hurry, you'll be old soon enough". Damn true.

She said" to thine oneself be true". I'm still on the anti-depressant wagon but I keep wanting the fix.

Another thing she always said" Be careful what you wish for, It may come true". So right you were Granmaw. We were wishing for rain and today we got it with a vengeance. A typical monsoon gully washer. The yard was a lake. Phillips garden under a good 4 inches of water backed up by the 2x4's he put at the bottom of the fence to keep the pigs from rooting under it. In other words we got enough rain in 1 hour to last all week. As usual, the power was off til just about an hour ago. Phillip fixed a cold supper of gazpacho and egg salad sandwiches. Power came on as soon as we were done eating. Perfect timing don't you think? Power always goes off when it rains down here.


1 comment:

Jake said...

The cartoon with the miners digging reminds me of grad school.