Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh yeh!! It's Friday.

Yep!! And is has been all day.

Makes me wish I was a kid again at times.

The better part of the day was when the laundry was finished and put away.

It was a lot cooler today because we still have some left over clouds from a rainy Fourth of July. Finally!! The poor corn in Phillips garden was beginning to look a little stringy and more like corn stalks you see in the fall. He really planted it along the fence to shade the garden. He did that last year, not expecting to get any corn due to poor pollination but we got quite a few ears. Who know what will happen this year. Rain really makes a difference. Can't seem to get enough water on the garden.

Jake was saying he don't like spiders bigger than a dime. There are spiders down here as big as the palm of your hand. They are called tarantulas. Quite harmless to people but nice to have around in the yard to eat other spiders and bugs. Phillip dug up a huge yellow and tan one when he was putting in the water line to the shop. Should have gotten a picture of him. We see them all the time but never seem to have the camera ready then. They are real shy.
Gotta post this, Phillip almost has supper ready.



Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe there were spiders that big. I had to look them up on wikipedia. We don't see things like that here in the east.
This is a very interesting blog. I have been following it. You folks are so very lucky to live in such an interesting area.

Rockhunter said...

Alan; I'm glad you like our blog well enough to follow. Welcome.