Friday, July 13, 2012

I did it.

We both did but it was slow going there for a while. We had another storm go thru today. Lot's of thunder boomers but very little rain. Phillip went out and got the squash and radishes and said the little rain we got didn't even wash off the mud from the last storm. Plants are still muddy. Rain predicted again tomorrow. ( holding my breath?). Anyway a 40 percent chance of thunder showers. If it's like today it will just be the thunder without the showers. Happens only too often. Every time it thunders and lightnings here the power goes off. Was off for 4 hours today. Phillip couldn't watch tv, woodburn or cook anything so he pestered me the whole time. At least I can read when all else fails to excite me. The thrill of being a mother.


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