Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some this and that.

 Definitely bad company. Phillip spotted it while rock hunting the other day.
 Some pretty daisy like flowers were hiding up under the holly oak.
 Don't know what these are but they remind me of forsythia's in a way. Summer flower though.  May be in the wildflower book, just haven't looked.

Some fruits of Phillip's labor.  Applesauce, second batch and his wild grape jelly.  Yum, Yum. In a few of these bottles he put some of the red cinnamon candies.  Should have made them all that way.  You live and learn.
Well tomorrow is laundry day. Gotta get down there early because the snow-birds are coming back and they can use all the machines in a hurry.  Place opens at 5:00 so you better be close to opening.
So far we haven't got a frost. Only 45 this AM.  Got to 79 here today but was a bit breezy.  Cool breezy. Had to close the window during the middle of the night when I made pit stop. Only got sheet blanket and spread on the bed yet. If I put a blanket on then it will get back up in the 80's again. Had the window open today but I think I will make a cup of tea and close it while I'm up.  Getting a bit chilly in here now.
I put the old puter game " Scratches" back in this laptop and have been playing it again.  Been 4 or 5 years since I played it last.  Forgot how it went. This way it's like a new game.
Gone for refreshments and game.

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