Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ho hum again.

As usual wed.was dump day.  We took the garbage to the dump.  Passed 3road killed stinkers when we went thru skunk hollow.  Now that the vultures have gone south for the winter the skunks don't get eaten by the crows very fast.  Darn crows pick at them and keep singing out, hawk, hawk but no self respecting hawk will ever stoop to eating road killed skunk. The darn dead skunks just lie there and reek.  I don't know how people that live around there can stand the smell.

After we went to the dump we went on up the road further to another favorite rock hunting and arrowhead hunting spot. I hunted close to the road and Phillip took off on a hike as usual. He found this yellow dendritic and banded Jasper's. Brought a few pieces back with him. He also found an old Indian encampment and took these pictures of a couple of broken metates that were turned upside down.
This last metate was almost completely buried not 50 feet from where I parked my butt and read. I didn't even recognize that it might be one and walked right past it.  It was broken but Phillip took a pic never the less. Some people might take it home for their yard.  Phillip will only get the ones he thinks are the best.
It's strange why the Indians always turned the metates upside down, broken or not.

Today was our volunteer Thurs.  Phillip got a real workout today.  They had pop corn we bagged up today as well as the beans and rice. That's a new one. Got a huge bag of it in so we will be bagging it up for quite a while more. They had donated bread and goodies they gave away along with the commodity box.  Phillip brought all the left over baked stuff down to the senior center to give away there.
There is a group of old folks who ride together down to Yarnell to get the Boxes at the church and then go over to the senior center if they qualify and get food there as well. The driver of the group had car trouble today so Phillip told one old gal to ride back up with us to Wilhoit. She was having a bad day of it with the group. One old fart keeps taking things from her boxes. Good thing we had the 4 runner and not the pickup.
Looks like we will have a rider on volunteer day now. Going to be a long day for her unless she decides to get a ride with someone else.
Getting close to my bed time.  Think I'll read a bit the lights out.

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