Saturday, October 6, 2012

Labor day was a while ago........

.......and I'm just now getting around to posting some pictures.  I had every intention to post these images earlier but I just didn't have the time.  I have been crazy busy with the new job and it seems like I just now have some time to relax a bit.  I think that once I've been at this teaching gig for a while I'll have some course notes in place and then I'll just tweak them a bit from year to year.  However for now I'm building everything from scratch at it seems like I just squeak out lectures in the nick of time.  

I digress, but let me tell y'all a bit about the trip the Steph and I took out to the Black Hills over Labor Day weekend.  We learned that the Black Hills have a few cave systems and we thought we would check it out.  We chose to go to the Wind Cave park.

They allowed pictures to be taken in the cave but we were not allowed to use tripods as they didn't want folks setting their camera setups on cave formations, or setting up 3 foot tall tripods and blocking pathways.  Initially I thought "why the hell would you want to drag a tripod down in the cave in the first place."  I soon found out when I took some pictures with the flash on.  I had a terrible depth of field with those images.  So I turned off the flash.  My camera detected the low light levels and compensated for leaving the aperture open longer.  This yielded "smeary" images.  No matter how hard I tried to hold the camera still I still got images that looked "smeary" or "streaky".  Out of all the pictures I took this one was the best.

During our wandering around the Black Hills we discovered a few waterfalls that were accessible by hiking a short distance from the road.  Here a couple of my favorite pics.

On the way back home we stopped at Devils Tower in Wyoming.  I've seen pictures of this formation before but pics do not hold a candle to the experience of standing in front of it and looking up at the top.

1 comment:

Rockhunter said...

Kool pics. Looks like you had a good time. Maybe a close encounter of the third kind. Pun intended.