Thursday, June 28, 2012


And the big problem is, they happen every day.

That nasty thing looks just like the 2 I killed. Yeh! They will scare the shit out of you when they are looking you in the eye.

No! NO! NOOOO! I just can't today. I'm too busy doing my thing today. What's that?... Welllll, I'll have you know it's darned important that I get it done too. You know!.... My favorite thing.... Well if you just have to know, it's really nothing.



Jake said...

How big are the spiders in AZ? Gee whiz, that TP invader looked like it was as big as the palm of my hand. I hope that is a doctored image, if it isn't I would sure stay clear of the area where palm sized spiders are found.

From what I've heard about Asia, Central America and Africa, the bugs alone would keep me out there. Seems to me that if you want to not have worms crawling in your eyeballs

Worms in your eyeball

or have flies laying eggs in your skin

Bot fly gets cozy with human host

take your vacations where it is freekin cold in the winter. All that is scary as far as bugs and parasites go seem to like the warmer areas, like the tropics. Y'all can keep your tropical vacations if I travel it's going to be Alaska baby! Maybe Iceland or Siberia.

Jake said...

Whoops typo in the last comment.....

when I was talking about the places I do not want to visit I meant to say "the bugs alone would keep me out of those locations"

Rockhunter said...

I'll admit the spider in the picture looks a mite big but the brown recluse here in AZ is a big tan spider that looks like the black widow., even to the red hourglass on it's tummy. Bigger than the widow, if you put him on a 50 cent piece, it's feet would touch the rim. Very nasty bugger. I kill every one I see.
Daddy longlegs I will tolerate but not any other spider.

Bull River Gal said...

Geez, I hate spiders!! I wonder why...thanks brothers!!! Mice, hate those damn filthy things as well!!

Rockhunter said...

I was just reading on yahoo this AM about a brown widow spider poping up in some southern states. Looks just like a black widow. I do know the brown recluse is not a brown widow. It looks like one but is bigger and lots nastier.

Jake said...

Any spider bigger than dime is plenty-o-scary for me.