Sunday, June 24, 2012

Boy did I have fun yesterday and the day before.  This weekend is the Sanders County Yard Saleing Event.  Yard/Barn/Garage/Tailgate sales from one end of the county to the other.  They post a printable spreadsheet with information on the various sales, what mm# they are by, the address, time of sale, a brief description of what they have for sale and any helpful notes of how to get there.  They also have a map you can print that is helpful especially for the more remote areas.  I went with my friend (next door neighbor) and we drove in on roads that neither of us have been on about some beautiful homes. It is always interesting to see how other people have carved out their little slice of heaven out of these woods.   Didn't buy much though!!  A quilting book, some patterns and some more I needed more fabric.  My friend picked up a ceramic or porcelain rooster, a basket, some fabric picture panels, and some weird thing that is metal and looks like a big circle with a hole cut in the middle.  It had a lip on the outside and inside of the ring. Didn't know what that this was....but when she saw it, she quickly grabbed it up.  "What the heck is that thing," I asked her.  I have seen them at thrift store quite frequently........  She told me that you put your pie on it in the oven and if your pie boils over it simply drips into the metal ring.  Huh,,,,,I have always used tin foil!!  It works just as well AND I don't have to scrub off burned pie filling from the tin foil!!  Well, gonna go work on my fish quilt the queen sized quilt top onto a standard sized one that will go on a bed downstairs.

1 comment:

Rockhunter said...

That sounds like fun. I could have handeled that.