Saturday, June 16, 2012

And what a day it was.

Had to clean out the little shed to find all the water cans. Last night just about bed time I found the water was down to a trickle. Phillip went out to see if we had any leaks in the lines or under the house. Found the neighbor doing the same thing. Neighbor went up to the brand new water tank we are paying 6 bucks more a month for and found the gage said it was almost empty.

Water was still at a trickle this morning when Phillip wanted to water the garden so we took the water cans and went to the river to fill them. Garden had to be watered. W e filled what containers we had in the house for cooking while the trickle was going. Filled a couple of buckets for the toilet. Got 35 gallons of water for the garden down at the river. Phillip told the neighbor where to get the water for his garden but he already had a water barrel under the rain spout so he had some to last a couple of days. Found out the pump was down. Was fixed this evening, but we still had to water from the cans. They say tank should filled by morning. I hope so. Pain in the butt to get water from the river for garden but too much money invested to let it die. We finally got some tomatoes after we got the netting. Also got a pepper this morning.



Bull River Gal said...

Yeah, packing water is no fun at all. When our pump went out at the Lebanon house we went without water for 5 days before they could get out there and set in a new pump for us.

Rockhunter said...

That's no lie.

Jake said...

Wow I feel lazy now. We have a tomato plant on our back porch in a large container. I fill up a cup of water from the kitchen sink, then walk all of 10 feet to the plant. Well one can sure build a lot of muscle hauling water around, so I guess there is some benefit to moving buckets around.