Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hotter than ever.

That means 101 in the shade, if you can find any that is. We were supposed to get rain earlier this week. The said 50% chance for three days. Hah! Not even a cloud in the sky. Today it is supposed to be clear and lo and behold there is a cloud or 2 out there. Not enough clouds to shade us even. Been months since any rain. The air is so hot and dry that Phillip has had to put up curtains to shade the garden so it don't wilt to the ground. Can't put enough water on it to combat the heat.
Phillip and his poor garden. He caught a bunny under the bird net and beat it into " bolivia". I think he means oblivion but it's still dead for being in there. Darn thing ate most of the second planting of beets that were just coming up. I feel sorry for the critters because it is so hot and dry that there is nothing green for them to eat. Even all the weeds outside the garden are dead.
Even so I 'm not blaming Phillip for not wanting his garden eaten.
Went to the river yesterday. Was nice and cool down there. Wasn't many people came thru the water crossing. Just 2 huge hay trucks while we were there. Phillip watered the potato plant and hilled it up with leaves. So far nothing has bothered it.
Nothing exciting happening so far today. Went to the dump then on into town to pick up a few things. Wanted to get it all done and get back home before it gets too hot.
If it wasn't so hot, I'd take a nap soooo now I guess I will just sit on my duff and play a little game on the puter.
Oh by the way we did look at the tape of my Oregon vacation. Short tape but Phillip was amazed at how good that old video camera you had took the video. Phillip wondered if you still had the camera Jeannine.


Jake said...

Well, if you mess with the garden you deal with the gardener, and if you get beat all the way south of the equator to Bolivia then ya probably had it comin'.

Our neighbor gave us a small tomato plant. I put it in a giant planter pot on our back porch and it gets pretty good sunlight from 9 AM to 2 PM. It was doing alright for a while. Then some of the leaves turned brown and crunchy. At first I thought I wasn't watering it enough, but now I'm not sure. Could it be it's not getting enough sunlight? Any green thumbs out there have any advice on how to grow a healthy and productive tomato plant?

Rockhunter said...

Water it only when you can stick your finger in the dirt and it feels dry. Give it some fertilizer. It may need a shot.

Bull River Gal said...

Actually tomatoes are pretty good about telling you they are thirsty. The youngest leaves will start to look droopy...but I would say make sure that you have good drainage to your pot...tomatoes do not like sitting in a hot pot with it root system cooking in the water that didn't drain off and I would get some miracle grow!! They love that!!

Bull River Gal said...

Oh and the camera...if you are talking about that big one we got when the kids were in junior high school.....I think that is when we got it......we donated it to the Goodwill Store just before we left Oregon! I kinda wished that we had kept it now because we could have set it up here on the deck to film stuff. Oh well, you snooze, you lose!