Thursday, April 12, 2012


Don't you agree?

Fungus amungus. This grows on a tree down by the river.

Seemed like it. Met with a couple from Minnesota, staying down at North Ranch. They had heard about us and wanted a tour to get pretty rocks. Hmmmmm. Lots of those around. So we took them out toward the bench above the canyon. Lots of pretty rocks there. They went Gaga at all the pretty rocks there were. So many chunks of agate, opal, quartzite and rhyolite laying all over some of the old indian encampments, they could pick up a 5 gallon bucket full in a half an hour. All we had to do was show them the place and they went right to town gathering rocks. They had no rock picks so we let them use ours. Phillip took the swede saw and went looking for fence posts for the garden and I looked for arrowheads. I found one and Phillip found 4 fence posts and cut the limbs off up to the 8 foot high, and peeled them. Next week we will cut the junipers down and bring them home. By next week they won't be so sticky to handle.

The folks from MN were happy as clams with the pretty rocks. Gal had brought a pan and water to clean them with and spent the rest of the time before lunch cleaning them. They didn't cull out too many of them. They said they wanted to incorporate them in the rim of a fish pond in their back yard. I gave them a bag of white quartz crystal clusters and one of chips I picked up to tumble that came from the Bagdad area. They are heading back to MN at the end of the month.

The weather report for today said it was to be cloudy and windy and much cooler. It was a beautiful clear day. Cool enough to wear a sweatshirt for me, but the rest were in shirtsleeves.

Snice!! as Phillip says.

Past my bedtime and I'm pooped. Nite all. Granny

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