Monday, May 24, 2010

Revolting development.

Be damn glad you don't live at our house right now. If you did your ears would be singed off. Phillip is cusing a blue streak.
We had another frost last night and lost most of the garden for the 3 rd time. Just put $27.00 worth of plants in last week. Hell I never seen it frost this late even up in Idaho. If this is global warming, they can have my share. I'm ready to throw in the towel on this garden thing. I can't afford to keep replanting. Pisses me off royally.



Bull River Gal said...

Weird weather this year....for sure!!

A=B+C said...

We had 24 degrees night before last. It has wiped out any asparagus that popped through the ground. I have not planted anything yet but a few flowers, and those are covered every night. Three years ago we had a sever frost on the 26th of June that flattened the garden. My neighbor said to keep watering it and although I thought it was a goner it all came back and we had bumper crops that year. We have had frost as late as 4th of July, and as early as the middle of August. Last year we got a cold night in September and I figured it may be too cold outside for the tomatoes so I picked them and put them in the broke red van, to let ripen. That night the temp dipped into the single digits and they all were frozen solid in the morning when I looked. So Phillip should cry me a river. Oh yeah, Ame has been burning movies for you guys and in a few weeks we will send some to you. Got some good ones!!!