Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring! or is it Summer?

Hard to believe that just a week or so ago we had snow coming down. They even had a skiff in parts of Phoenix. Today it was 102 in Phoenix. It was 78 up here on the bench. Kicked the garden back into action.

I had Phillip take the old Dish Network dish and fill the holes with liquid steel so I could use it for a bird- bath. Turns out they like it. There is another old dish out in back of the shed and I will have him do the same with it.. I have an old pedestal from a planter, so I think I will put that one on the pedestal. I will have to put a heavy rock in it or the wind will blow it off. Wind blew the planter that I had on the pedestal before and broke it. That sucker wasn't light by any means. Wind blowing up and down this canyon can get wicked at times. Neighbor next door just put up a giant wind powered generator. What he don't use he will sell back to the power co.

Good deal, but takes Money to make money. I bet that gem wasn't cheap.

Phillip cut some of the agate from Montana. One nice one Dave found. I tumbled a few slices of it to sell. Pretty pink to lavender stuff. Should sell good.

He has been doing some sorting and cleaning out of the shop. About time. I wanted to do some silver work but had to move a ton of stuff he had set aside to work on later and later didn't look any where near. Every time I clear a spot to work, He fills it with "laters".

After they came and took Steve's trailer away I had a bunch of junk to bag up for the dump. Phillip had to move cases of water and all the heavy stuff. He sure accumulated a lot of junk in the short time he stayed with us. I guess he will stay with his Sister in Texas til the end. He has a reoccurring brain tumor. Maybe next fall Phillip can find a new rockhunting partner. Some of the places he goes are just too hard for me to get to anymore.

Jake; get back to me on the magnets. Granny


Jake said...

I actually have a similar contraption to the 'plastic bag and magnet' arrangement, I use a doodad that has a spring loaded magnet that you can "activate" by pressing down on the spring and pushing the internal magnet to the plastic cap. So basically I get the plastic end near some black sand, press the spring and SHOOP! the black sand sucks right up to the cap. I then can dispose of the sand by releasing the spring and black sand falls off. When the weather gets better I'll head down to the creek and shoot some video of my technique and that will probably give you a better idea of what I'm doing.

I would also say kudos to your neighbor and I wish him luck with his wind generator. I agree that it 'takes money to make money' that's why I am working my tail off to make solar energy more efficient and cheaper, so that hopefully in the future it will not take as much money to make money. I hope that in the future we can rethink how we generate and use energy. I think it would be pretty neat to base our economy on sustainable non-polluting forms of energy that puts jobs in the hands of Americans generating energy that we have HERE instead of dealing with political and economic issues with sources of energy that are not on our soil and directly under our control.

Rockhunter said...

I know the kind of magnet you're talking about. As long as it picks up the black sand thru the water, that's all that matters. Doing it dry you might lose flour gold clinging to the black sand. The water seems to hold it back better. Got the bubble wrap to put around the sucker tube to mail ,now have to find a box of some sort.
Uncle Bob helped Phillip set our solar panel up for the motor home, so now we can have lights at night with out running the generator. Works great. Now the next thing is to rig a cigarette lighter to the coach battery so I can use the lap top as well without running the vehicle battery down. Must be some way to do it.
Did you get a super sluice pan yet? So much faster. One good thing about thrift stores, you can find things like BIG screwdrivers to use for prying cracks in the bed rock open so will L shape tire irons. Small screwdrivers and a 3 prong garden scratcher with with the 2 outside prongs cut off make good crevice tools.
You can make a looking tube with a magnifing lens in a piece of plastic pipe. Make a real prospector out of you yet. Who know's you might just strike it rich.