Thursday, May 17, 2012

Volunteer day again.

We got talked into volunteering at the Congress food bank since Phillip seems to be a favored box packer. We had to be down there at 6:00 this morning, so had to get up at 4:00 in order to do it. Figured it the old gal who talked him into it could do it every month then we could too. I did pretty much the same thing I do at the senior center up in Yarnell and Phillip did a lot of unloading the truck and then setting up the food to be distributed . Stuff done a lot different down there in the distribution end. Down there they had a lot of perishable foods that they don't have in Yarnell. They got in boxes of tomatoes, lettuce in heads and large bags like packed for a resturant,celery, cabbage, potatoes,spinach packs, kale, strawberries, peppers, bananas, onions and some salsa tubs. Very little can stuff down here. Pinto beans and rice had to be packaged as well as sweet rolls and cookies from a local bakery. Sure don't see that up in Yarnell. Anyway the people take their own boxes and help their self to whatever they want. They weigh the boxes and check the names off the list then Phillip took the boxes to their cars. After all the people had gone thru, the head gal told us to take what we wanted out of what was left. Got a half box of tomatoes, some red potatoes, a few onions and 2 loafs of bread. Don't get anything up at Yarnell for your troubles. Sure a different way of doing it. In Yarnell they get beans, rice and lots of can stuff and milk, and cereal.
Anyway after we got done with the Congress food bank we hot-footed it up to Yarnell to do our duty there. Looks like Phillip got stuck with being a volunteer box packer both at the church and the senior center again. I guess he will keep doing it for the senior center anyway since the old gal there seems to think he belongs. She was really having a confused day today. Can you believe Phillip calls her sweetie?

Got 4 forest fires going here in AZ and one you can see from the house. Had to evacuate an old mining town that people are still living in. That's where the fire we see from the house got started. Been up in the 100's in some places already and looks to be a bad fire season if we don't get the monsoons again this year. Woods are really dry and they have already banned camp fires even in the forest service campgrounds. In fact no open fires of any kind anywhere.
We haven't been doing any prospecting because the woods are too dry and we have had winds almost every day since it got hot. Went from the 70' to the high 90's in just a couple of days up here on the bench.
Yep!! Today was a long day. Didn't get back home til 3:30.
Time to take a bath and hit the sack.

1 comment:

Bull River Gal said...

Oh my gosh...we read about the fires down there. we wondered if they were near you. I bet you are getting smoked out even though you haven't been evacuated. I sounds like you may want to do all of your volunteer work at Congress. They take care of yu. Up here when I volunteered at the community Center you got $5 of merchandise for every hour you worked. I just banked my merchandise allotment and when those adult diapers came in and spent some on the diapers for Travis. I got probably a dozen packages of diapers and pull up for him.