Had to go up to Prescott today. Snow down here had all melted before the sun went down yesterday. Got to the top of the pass and there was still snow there and also down in Prescott in some areas. After doing our shopping Phillip decided since we were already up there, why not go out to the valley and look for arrowheads. I said it's apt to be snow covered. He insisted it would be melted out there. Well to make a long story short, it was still snow covered under the trees and trees were everywhere. So He's pissed and decides to try another area. I tried to tell him it was about the same altitude, but no we had to go see. You guessed it, snow. We stopped at an area lower down to look and suddenly I was 3 inches taller. Gooey mud. I got back on the road and stomped most of it off. Phillip fit to be tied because I can't get all the mud off. Pissed again, we head home because he thinks we might look at a place closer to home. ( could have went there in the first place). This area isn't too far from where we live. Have found arrowheads here before but not today. I stayed pretty close to the rig because by this time the wind had come up. Phillip took a long hike to work off his mad. Just another day at the Hanks mad house. I could have said" I told you so".