Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday coming down.

Went down to the river for a while this morning.  Hotter than blazes.  Got down there to find some dumb jerk camped out there.   He had a bunch of dead limbs and brush stacked up around a big willow tree that has almost fell clear over.  Roots still holding.  Another flood and it will go.  Any way this dude had a small fire built in a hole he had dug.  Fire ban or no.  Not supposed to camp there either.  They were camping under the bridge all the time but this spring the county dug a big hole with a berm to keep cars out from under there.  Phillip told the dude he wasn't supposed to be camping and not to have a fire.  He told Phillip to  eff... off.  So he took pictures of him and his rig to show the cops if his fire got out of hand.  We parked across the river and got our chairs out and enjoyed the cool air.  The breeze started to come up and I told Phillip we should leave.  Too many TALL trees that break off in high winds.  We were packing up to go when a couple of Guys on ATV's came down.  They didn't take any shit from the camper. they covered his fire and made him leave. They wanted to know if we were with him. We had our lunch but didn't stick around.  Wind  blowing like crazy all day. I have the bedroom window open and stuff is getting rearranged  still.  Sure wasn't the day we planned on.

Hope you all had a good day.

Love ya'll, Granny.

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