Friday, June 30, 2017

Goodby June

Looks like the have got the fire more than 40% contained.  Still a lot of smoke down here, but they kept the borate on the top of the mountain so it didn't come over the top down into Prescott ao over our way.
That A-hole who had the drone up there will be in a world of hurts if they find out who it was.  The helicopters were dropping water on the firefighter areas and the damn drone kept buzzing around.  It endangered a lot of lives.  Makes a person wonder if it was the fire bugs drone.  Maybe checking on all the damage he did.  Damn fool.

Phillip picked the first squash this morning. Finally.  Something kept eating all the others he planted.  He had to put a curtain over the cukes to keep the critters out of them. Never could see what kept eating them as soon as they came thru the ground.
Peaches and necturines didn't get any size to them because of the heat, and are starting to get ripe too soon.

Phillip just brought me in some strawberry shortcake.  Gotta go,

Love ya'll. Granny

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