Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Water, cool clear water.

Got hotter than hell down here in Wilhoit so Phillip and I headed for the tall timber and some cool water. Phillip set my chair right in the pool and I sat there with my feet in the water and cooled off royally. All I had to do was bend over to pan. It was so nice. Phillip was working in some bedrock he found. Trouble is, it was just about under a boulder as large as a VW beetle and it was hung up on the bank. The water had dropped exposing the rotten bedrock under it. He had found this area the last time we were up there but he didn't have the bar with him. He broke up the bedrock and let the stuff from the cracks fall into the water and sucked it up with the sucker tube. He did real good got some nice pickers and a whole lot of flour gold. The big boulder started to do some moving so he played it safe and he quit breaking up the bedrock under it.

Just take a look at these huge boulders. These dudes are in the creek itself. Makes one wonder what is under them. I doubt if the old times ever moved them. If the rotten bedrock under that one on the bank is any indication, they will be loaded with cracks that have gold in them. The water is dropping fast. We will be lucky to find a pool big enough to pan in before too long.

This is another beautiful weed. These were blooming along side the road on our way down to the river. I have no idea what it is as I haven't found it in the book or on the web yet. It is a cluster of tiny blooms that look like orchids up close. They have long hairy projections s c sticking up out of the top of each orchid shape. No smell and growing in dry dirt that the lupins have keeled over in because of the heat. We picked seeds from the giant pale pink lupins, and some that are a pale yellow. The purple ones are long one but we did get seeds from them.
Its funny how each color blooms at different times.
Thanks Jake, for telling us how to put pictures in with the text and not all of them just at the top.

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