Sunday, November 8, 2009

White Gold

In Colorado some of the old mining towns have traded in ore carts and sluice boxes used in finding the yellow gold and traded them for chairlifts and snow guns in hopes of 'mining' people's wallets who are in search of the white gold. Today I was able to get some of that white gold at Copper Mt. (which was an old copper mine back in the day). The weather was great but the lines were pretty long as you can see.

Thank goodness for snow guns because it would be hard to snowboard down the hill on the other side of the canyon. It was nice that Copper had one open run but you had to watch out for the icy patches which are very common on the man made snow.

Here's a pic of the top of the Excelerater lift with the Ten Mile mt. range in the background. This particular ridge separates Copper from Breckenridge.


Rockhunter said...

It looks weird to see a bare hillside and people sking at the same time.

Jake said...

Yep sure does! I guess that is the magic of the snow gun