Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WOW !! I did it.

Well here goes... Iv'e been thinking about doing this for a while and finally got up enough courage to try it.

I wanted to start a blog where the whole family could drop in for a few minutes and add their 2 cents worth... Hey! Even if you stay long enough to just drop your name, at least the rest of us will know you cared enough to touch base... I'm sure you are all looking forward to the new year... Donna said once that she thought the even years were lucky and the odd years not so lucky... Hell I don't know ...If I check back in my brain echos, maybe she is right about some years... I just hope that this odd year turns out to be lucky for all of us... Here it is over 2 weeks into this year and I still haven't won the powerball yet...But there again I haven't had any really bad luck yet...That was all last month... The thermostat on the oven went out...The washer went tits up...My watch ticked it's last second...And the small electric heater I used in the bathroom...heated up for the last time...Sheesh!! I was beginning to feel like the guy in" Lil Abner" that was under a cloud of bad luck last month of 08... But Hey!! Things are looking up for 09...Phillip and I found some smokey quartz crystals when we were down on the desert...I'm gonna try to add them to this post...Or any way one of them...They are such cute little guys... Not perfect specimens but they do have nice clear chunky areas great for faceting...The toothbrushsh is what I used to clean them with and I put it in for size comparison...

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