I know this may have happened to you... Took me three calls to people pc before I got someone who spoke without an accent so bad , you could understand what he said...I tried net zero for a while but it runs so slow...
We went out rockhunting today... Got a few nice ones in a place where we have been before...
You wouldn't believe it but I fell into a rabbit hole...Now I'm not Alice but I ran into our newly elected president running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, looking at his watch, following the white rabbit... I think maybe they were late for the mad hatters tea party or something...Who knows...All I can say is that he was muttering something about we have to hurry and allocate the pork set aside to be doled out next year...It was payback time and he needed the 380 billion to get the people who elected him off his back...The white rabbit told him to back off that barrel...That was Republican pork he was wanting to cook...The tea party was in session and all the Republican congressmen were there...The Democrats sent the smiling cat to represent them...He just sat there grinning the whole time...Sometimes on the table and then on the top of the mad hatters hat... I had just poured some tea from the teapot that never ran out, when the Queen of spades came to tea...Hey!! ...She was a black Queen...She took command of the tea party...Obamma figured she was sure to find in his favor...Rat's!! ... Not so...After all this was a Republican Party...That silly cat just kept fading in and out...I think he wasn't a Democrat after all...Just a pimp for the Democratic party like Obamma...Nothing was accomplished at the party and after I climbed out of the rabbit hole I began to wonder just what is going to happen to this country...This president is nothing like Rosevelt who pulled us out of the last depression...And we never had such a national debt to get out from under then...Maybe I'll live to find out what happens... I wonder if it will be long...Granny