Friday, May 3, 2019

Well, well well.

I let all of you know I got kicked off facebook.  Have to pester you all through the blog.  Hope you join in.

This is where we were today.  I sat in the shade, read, watched the squirels and the birds.
Phillip went down to the river and panned.  Got lots of fine gold, but no big nuggets.  Too bad.  He did say the water had gone down some and wasn't so cold.  Area where he is working has scads of fine gold.  Have to have a good sucker tube to get it though.  He said someone else has been up there and dug a deep hole in the bank, but he panned some out of their old hole and didn't even get color.  Somebody must have seen him go up there and thought they would find gold too. They would have better luck if they had panned the grass roots.  Lots of fine stuff there.


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