Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Looks like fall has come.  The vultures are heading south.  Happens every year about this time.  This morning there were 17 of them up in the trees outside the house.  While I was counting them, 5 more flew in.  Last year they got here just about dark, and rested the night in the trees.  Wilhoit must be a stop and rest area.  I would take some pictures,  but Phillip is spending the week up prospecting, and he has the camera.  Darn!

Damn grasshoppers have just about devoured everything except the weeds growing on the sewer line.  Just couldn't do that.  Too bad the vultures don't go for grasshoppers.  Would not have a one left it they did.

The Hawks would eat the grasshopper I bet.  A few years ago, Phillip and I were up in Williamson Valley, and coming home we saw hundreds of hawks on their way south, eating the grasshoppers and locusts in the new hay fields.  I did get pictures of them.  Talked to an old timer up there after that and he said the hawks rest there every year on their way south for the winter.

We need more rain. They say some is coming next Monday.  We'll see.  They do that all the time, then it never happens.  Hope they are right this time.

Got to go water the trees. hope the ones the grasshoppers ate all the leaves off, will come back.  The garden is in shreds, so I might as well not bother putting any water on it.  Just a waste.

Love ya'll, Granny.

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