Saturday, September 22, 2018

Fall is here at last.  Been a hot lousy summer.  Oh it was a good one for Phillip, since he did real good prospecting.  But was a bad year for insects.  Name a bug, and we had them.  Had a real bad infestation of of grasshoppers.  There is jillions of them in our yard.  We got new trees this year and the damn grasshoppers ate every leaf off them, no matter how many times they were sprayed.  I don't know if they will come back from it or bot.  I'm surprised they didn't eat the leaves off the peach trees. they must not have liked them but the damn things sure liked the peaches.  Ate the hell out of them.  Same thing with the tomatoes, cukes and squash.  Ate the fruits but not the leaves.  We did get some cukes, beans and squash before they got too bad but the tomatoes are just getting ripe. Phillip put bird netting over them to keep the birds out, but the damn grasshoppers go right thru it.

Other than that, not anything else new around here.

Hope you all had a nice summer.

Love ya'll, Granny.

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