Saturday, May 11, 2019


Took this a couple of years ago. This is an area where Phillip has
been getting good gold every time he goes up there. Lots of flour
gold, about a gram or so along with about 3 grams of fines plus a few
pickers.. Every now and then he comes up with a real nice nugget. We
don't think most people even realize how much fine and flour gold
there is still in that river. Harder to recover it if you don't use
mercury. He most likely go back up again next week some time. We had
some more rain, and the water level came back up again.

Supposed to be mostly cloudy today, so can't paint. I have put a lot
of time into the painting I'm working on now, and it still isn't done.
Almost though.

Have a nice day all, Love ya, Granny.

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