Tuesday, May 9, 2017

As time goes by.

I thought for a while this morning I was going to spend a little time
painting, but the sky was over cast and the lighting was poor. So I
did what a lot of us old timers have time to do anymore, I just sat on
my butt and recalled the brain echoes of my youth.

Seems like I have time to do this, even when I'm out and about, well
out anyway, because the about is a lot less frequent now days. Have
you ever done this?? Just sat and remembered?

As time goes by, I can recall a lot of things I did, I shouldn't have.
My gaurdian angel would just have a tizzy. She would shake her head
and say,"Ginia, I don't know what the heck I'm going to do with you".
She always called me Ginia you know. She would hold me and scold me.
"Ginia, I will do all I can to help you out of this mess, AGAIN, but
you are in deep doo doo this time". Oh! but, but all I did was sneak
out the window to go chasing up the river with Carol Peterson and her
pals. How was I to knpw Mom would be standing out there waiting for
me to do it. I feel like I am being spied on, don't you think?.

Oh wow! Must haved dozed off a bit and lost my train of thought.
That's not hard to do any more, dozing off I mean.

Any way, didn't get any painting done but I did get a nap until the
thunder woke me up. Hey!, It's raining out there. Boy we really do
need that right now.

Phillip made Goulash for supper and now it is time to eat. Bye now, Granny

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