Friday, November 16, 2012

Life goes on in AZ.

Yesterday was volunteer day at the church and senior center. Seems like a long day but it runs 9 to 2 for us.
Not as bad now as it was when Phillip had to take care of the garden before we went down.  The old bat that was thinking she ran how we were to package up stuff, went back East to visit for turkey day.  I took the lead and changed how we could fill the bags a lot quicker.  She always had each of us filing our own bags. Open the bag, try to hold it open while you dump  in 2 cups of rice, beans and popcorn or what other stuff that came in bulk and had to be measured out. then twist the bag and add a twist tie.  I had one gal open bags and hold it open so another could fill it then hand it off to another to tie up. We were done in less than half the time it took before. I tried to get her to see that it would go faster if done my way but I think it's a power trip for her. Since she works there and I'm only a volunteer I guess it goes her way unless the gal who runs the program tells her to do it the way we did yesterday.  I'm just an old frustrated manager, I guess. But it runs against my grain to do shit the hard way.

Went up to Prescott this morning to pick up a few groceries then went out to Williamson's valley since we were up that way. Went to where we have looked a lot for arrowheads and found some other people there. As usual Phillip had a crisis attack.  How dare they go where we wanted to go.  Any way I said lets go back down the road and go thorough the gate and take the road that goes back behind the area where we wanted to go in the first place.  Gate has sign, please close the gate so we knew property owner didn't care if we went in.  We didn't go too far in because road deteriorates to cow trail fast and we had the pickup. Not as high clearance as the 4 runner.  I found chips and pottery right away.  2 arrowheads and 4 broken ones. This saddle has drainage's going 3 different ways.  Huge broad saddle.  Phillip took a hike as usual and he more or less scouted around.  Found a lot of small encampments. He only found 1 good rrowhead and a bunch of broken ones.  He said he covered a lot of ground to see just how much the Indians had stayed there.  This canyon has had lots of Indians staying here or they moved around it a lot. There  are still massive trees standing in some places and where we were today had been logged off.  Huge stumps show how big the trees were when harvested.  Stumps rotten bad so they were cut a long time ago.  Most of the trees in there now are less than a hundred feet high and not more than 2 or 3 feet around.
Bed time so goodnight all.  Granny.

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