Thursday, July 6, 2017


A whole lot of shakin going on up there. I read where they had a 5.8
earthquake at Lincoln City. And 8 or 9 aftershocks of 4 or better.
Pretty remote area. When I was up at Daves a long time ago, Julie and
I went down that way to look at some old mines and stuff. Not too far
from a big lake as I recall. There must be a fault zone down that
way as I seem to recall they have had other earthquakes in the same
area before.
I have read that Yellowstone has been having a lot of small quakes.
Hundreds in fact. A lot of the doomsday propfets are predicting the
whole place will blow the western half of the US off the map. One has
even said this will happen on the 28th of August. Will worry about
that when it happens since I can't do a damn thing about it anyway.

Another fire started up by the 4 corners area. Is it the local firebug again?

Hang tighe everyone, Love ya'll

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