Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Just finished this one up yesterday. Almost got it all on here.

Not a lot going on down here. Phillip working like crazy on his garden. Made all new raised beds and got some strawberries and raspberries in.
Pissed because he didn't put wire cages around his new apple trees and a rabbit chewed one of them down to a stub. These were some trees he got that came up under one of the trees up in the hills. They were only a foot tall. One died and now there is just one and a stub left. I told him to wait until this winter when they are dormant to get any more. He put them outside the garden because they will be big trees.

Some great new neighbors moved in. Two big beautiful owls, took up quarters in the neighbors dead pine and the Hackberry tree out front. Phillip found feathers in the garden spot the other day so the owls seem to like the garden for the quail that are always digging out spots under the tomatoes to cool off and the damn things eat every thing as soon as it pops thru the ground. Just hope they get the pesky rabbits that are chewing up the flowers Phillip planted out front.

Missed Davids birthday because I was down in Pheonix, visiting with Margaret while Monte and family were down in Mexico. Missed Donna's birthday because I took a benadryl for the hay fever I got when I got pollenated again, and it put me to sleep before I remembered to send an E- Card to her. I must confess, I really do have a bad case of CRS.

Happy Belated Birthday!



Bull River Gal said...

I love that picture!! Send some pics of your, trees, Philip, etc. must be starting to get pretty warm down there. We are having some fair weather up here right now. Going down to Donna and Ryan's on Friday....that is if jury duty tomorrow does not run over into 2 days instead of the expected one day!

Lisa said...

I love your painting!
The only pests I really have to worry about are bugs and slugs...but they're not so bad.

Lisa said...

I love your painting!
The only pests I really have to worry about are bugs and slugs...but they're not so bad.

Jake said...

Awesome painting Grandma! If the Louvre has some extra wall space, I nominate your painting!