Thursday, June 9, 2016


I wish there was a way to send sound with this post. There is a mockingbird outside that is singing up a storm. He sings the songs of all the other birds and a bunch of freestyle other sounds. So cool to listen to him.
We ahve a family of owls now. Mom, Pop nad two youngsters. So funny to watch the kids. One was down on the ground following a bunch of quails around. Those quails were leading him a merry chase, just staying out of reach. The other junior had to come swooping down and made the quail fly, so neither of them got a bird. Kids are as big as the parents but still have a few baby feathers on their heads. So funny to see them walk around on the ground. bobbing and waging their heads around. I haven't actually saw any of the youngsters catch anything but saw one of them on the ground eating a bird. Don't know if he or the parent caught it for him.

Another fire down in Yarnell, just east of where the fire was last time. Almost under control unless the wind picks up. This is closer to us than the last fire. 250 or so people were evacuated. So far no houses or prople burnt. Been borate bombers flying all morning. In fact one just flew over. Stopped to see him drop the load but the wind has shifted and the smole is blowing our way now. Can't see a thing down there.
Couldn't go to help down at the food bank because road has been closed. The head gal called Phillip yesterday after the fire started and told him not to try and come down.

Hope for some rain soon, we meed it.


That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
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1 comment:

Jake said...

We have a bunch of quail up here in Spokane. They have to be the funniest bird on the planet! They way they run around is almost cartoonish.