Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Out and about again

 We went up in the hills and got some wild grapes.  Phillip wants to make some grape and cactus fruit jelly.  Got the grapes on monday and the cactus fruits yesterday.  This place where we got the grapes is a prime arrowhead hunting area.  I sat on my butt picking the grapes off the vines Phillip cut and he went arrowhead hunting. He found 3 good ones and I found a broken one right near where I sat. There are some huge walnut trees here. Some are about 200 feet tall.  No nuts this year up here.  They must have gotten frost about the time they bloomed.  We got them here last year.  There were some nuts down at the river this year but they were very small.  Not worth the time to pick them up and certainly too hard to crack and get anything from.
 We took a lot of pictures of flowers and things up here and down by the river.  Will post them as time goes by.
This is the spot where we used to sit and put our feet n the water. With the monsoons, the river decided to be a river instead of a creek. Place by the fence is about 2 feet deep and lots of sand to sink into now.
A while back we picked some wild apples and Phillip put 8 gallon bags of them in the freezer to make sauce and stuff with. So far he made a batch of mincemeat while we still have green tomatoes. He has made a lot of different pickles too.  Did I raise these guys right or what?  He's talking about making his jelly today.  He said he might even make a batch of wine but he has said that before.  Who knows.  Now that it has cooled off some he want's to get out more.


Bull River Gal said...

Where is this at exactly? Bruce and I were trying to figure it out.

Rockhunter said...

The area is NW of Prescott. The place where the old indian ruins and big pottery pieces i put pics of on here before. We have found lots of interesting stuff here.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Flowers and grapes. Yum.