Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another dull day.

This is a bunch of flax on the way to the river. The monsoons have brought out all kinds of wild flowers. Not to mention weeds that are ass deep to a tall indian. Phillip hasn't had to put a lot of water on the garden lately. He put some containers out to catch rain water as well. He has a great garden this year despite the critters.

Tomorrow we will make another thrilling trip to the dump. Might even go to the river if the sky isn't dripping. Whopee!!. I'm just getting a strong case of cabin fever I guess.


Jake said...

I'm envious of Phillips garden. Our garden consisted of one tomato plant that yielded one tomato. I fed it plant food and watered it every day. Little flowers would pop up and fall off. I gave up and stopped watering the damn thing. In its final brown crunchy death moments did the plant produce a little tomato. It was like the plant had one last gasp of life and dedicated it to producing one last tomato.

Anonymous said...

Flax grows back here in the wild too. It is cultivated to make linen cloth.