Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting off of the couch

I got up this morning with the intent of going snowboarding at Copper. When I rolled out of bed I first checked to see how much snow they got. On Copper's website they listed 2 inches, not really much to get excited about. Then I looked at the I-70 traffic cams and saw traffic backed up and that the roads were icy. I figured it wasn't worth it and went back to bed. When I woke up I felt like a lazy bum because I had slept in 2 hours past the normal time I'm up and at em'. Something had to be done about my situation. So I threw on some hiking clothes; filled up a water bottle; grabbed my camera and jumped in the truck. I went for a hike on the north mesa which is one of two mesas that separate Golden from Denver and the western suburbs.
The weather was perfect. Lot's of sunshine and not too much wind with a temp in the low 50's.

Once I walked to the top of the mesa I was surprised to see that it was not all grassy fields.

Although there were lots of grassy fields.

Here's a birds eye view of the south mesa, Castle Rock and the Coors factory.

1 comment:

dave said...

Hey,Way to go Jake!Looks like you had a good adventure.Good shots.I can see why they call it castle rock.We all need to share more of getting off the couch stories and shots.