Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The rains cometh.

This guy was in our yard this morning. If we lived out in the country I wouldn't be surprised but here in town it isn't that common. At least not a buck. Phillp took the picture and went out to look at the garden to see what was left. Seems he was just content to eat the pile of old chard and lettuce Phillip pulled up yesterday so he could plant some more beets, radishes and kohlorabi. At least the compost pile was enough for him. Just hope he don't come back.

We finally got the monsoon season and it really did wonders for the garden. Stuff seems to grow so much better when it rains. Phillip finally got more summer squash than he can cook. Tomatoes are getting ripe so are the eggplants. Cantaloupe will be ready pretty soon. Lost a watermelon to the quail. It grew out through the fence and the quail started to pick on it and now it has been devoured.
Monsoon season put a temp. hold on the prospecting. These thunderstorms build up right out of nowhere and do so quite rapidly. Not enough time to get out of the creeks and tall timber before they hit. No place to be in a lightning storm.
All the water in the birdbaths and the garden draws some birds we don't like. For the most part I love to see all the birds but some of the damn things are like the Mexicans. You give the damn things something to eat and then the first thing you know they breed twice as many more then shit all over you. Then the mess is yours to clean up. Had to start parking the car away from the trees. Just like the Mexicans, I wish the damn birds we don't want would migrate to some other country.

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