Sunday, May 24, 2009

My how time flies!!

I thought I'd update you on the agaves. These are the 2 that are under Phillip's bedroom window. They were just about up to the eaves last week.

This is the big one that was about 2 feet above the edge of the roof last week. It's about 4 feet above now and starting to put out the lateral bud stems now.
Seems like the world is suffering from rampant hysteria from something or other right now... Flu !...schwein flu maybe...I've heard it said that it is a cultured virus because it's so unusual...Who knows ? A lot depends who you are listening to at any given time...It was forcasted to wipe out a good portion of the US...Killed at least 2 Americans...Meanwhile a myriad of other hazards killed off hundreds of unsuspecting people in the same period...Can't believe all you hear and damn sure not everything you read...The government has the world heating UP at record pace, and the economy falling DOWN at the same breathless rate...One thing for certain, looks like we will live to move onto the next hysteria du jour...
We got wetted...Rained for 4 days straight...Got a good soaking...Did the garden and flowers more good than all the tap water we put on them...Phillip got some of the weeds out of the cactus bed this morning while the ground was soft...Lots of mud right now, but drying up fast...Had to get the chard picked last night and got mud logged doing it...Second planting of chard was 3 different varieties in one pkg...The resident squirrel ate some of the tops off he couldn't begin to eat it all...It sure is good stuff though...Maybe it gave him a belly ache because he graduated to the seeds under the bird feeders...I think the oriels and the finches like the hummingbird feeder just as much or more than the hummers...Some scarlet tanagers come for a sip or two as well...
The hummers don't seem to be as plentiful this year...A couple of guys moved into a new place above us...They have a beautiful yard in the making...They may have got their feeders up first and the hummers hang around there more...I still think that home-made feed for them must be tastier than the stuff you buy... Got the bought en stuff with the last feeder I got...Got to get that all used up then go back to the home-made stuff next year...
Had to go the doctor for my annual check-up last monday...Hooray!! I'm still alive...We went on up to goldpan while we were in the vacinity...Tried a different spot because of the time frame...NADA, nothing, zilch... Can't get gold where there is'nt any by darn...Now we can look at that place and say" been there, done that", and file it away with all the other dead zones we have tried...
Bill, Did Ame check out the link I left on the May 15 post? Granny

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