Blur Portal.
Linc still had his geologist pack with him so he and Angel stepped
into the portal. They came out on a small hill overlooking a lake.
They were completely surrounded by tall mountains, and since the air
was quite cool Linc figured they were at a high altitude here. He
took out his GPS and found he was in the mountains of Peru. He looked
down at the closer end of the lake to see that there was a lot of
dwellings and people around. They also had some of the small air
cars, and were dressed like the people he saw in the other portal to
Peru. As he watched, again a huge orb came down and started to
demolish the town. Then it sent a beam came from it to the ground.
Four beings who were quite a bit larger than the earth people, but
looked the same as them, floated down the beam to the ground.. A
female one stood by the beam while the three males went to the town
and brought back a dozen or so people to the orb. These people were
dressed like the other portal people but they were wearing jewelry,
that they took off and gave to the female at the bottom of the beam.
The earth people were docile , almost like zombies. The female took
the jewelry she had placed in a tray and took them up the beam to the
orb. As Linc watched, a dozen naked, very hairy beings were floated
down the beam. They too were very large, and docile. Then the earth
people were taken up the beam and the orb went to the farthest end of
the lake, as Linc watched through his binoculars, they proceeded to
do the same thing to the town over there. Even exchanging beings as
well. Linc was thinking this was all so very strange. After the orb
flashed off into the sky, the hairy beings came to life. The females
clung together crying, while the males seem to be arguing amongst
themselves. They started to fight each other while the females went to
ward the deserted town. When one of the hairy ones started throwing
rocks at the others, Angel had to bark. The hairy one looked up and
saw them standing on the hill above them. Linc started to go down
toward them to see if he could help in some way when they started to
run towards him and started to throw rocks as well. He and Angel ran
back up the hill to the portal, just in time too, because a rock hit
his pack just as they dashed through the portal. Darn! That was
close. Although Linc knew he went back in time. It seemed more like
into the future. Made him wonder just what had happened there, and
what time period it was?
It was time to get to work and check this area out. He went up the
road next to the camp and saw that at one time it had been quite wide,
but was now getting overgrown with all the brush and trees, just wide
enough now for ATV, that went up and down it. Hiking up the road , he
came to a huge tailing pile that was spread along the side of the
hill. Across the tailings the road went to an incline shaft almost
large enough to drive a truck into, but was quite steep. No rails of
any kind either. As Linc looked down the shaft, he could see a wide
seam of chrysacolla going down the side wall, and he wondered why they
had left it there instead of taking it out. It would contain a lot of
copper in it. A lot of copper minerals here in the basalt and rhyolite
He could see no timbering inside the mine. Hr looked around at the
tailing and gathered some samples, took pictures and co-ords.
Going back down the road, he took an road that connected to the one
he came up, and went to another mine opening. This too was a large
opening, but didn't go in very far. As Linc stepped inside , he could
see it was more like a cave. Maybe twenty feet across, and around. He
could see lots of copper ore that was still in the walls. There was a
fire pit in the center of the cave, so someone had camped in here at
some time. Linc took pictures of the walls and the view from the
opening, down across the desert. After gathering samples from the
tailings, he took a road leaving it and going down through a wash. At
the place where the road crossed the wash, Linc could see some
specimens in it and picked up several and put them in his pack. Angel
started up the wash, and Linc followed. Angel started to dig and Linc
wondered why. He picked up the rock she dug out and saw that it was
quartz, with some pyrites, and by darned if it didn't even have some
gold in it too, he could see it after he poured a bit of water from
his bottle on it. He held it down to her so she could sniff it,
patted her on the head and told her she was a good girl. Up the was a
bit farther, they cam to a shaft that was right off the wash floor.
He saw Angel sniffing, and yelled at her, No! No! Angel. There was a
huge rattlesnake coiled up just inside the opening. Linc called her
back and they went back down the wash to where the road left it.
They took the road back up the hill to another shaft. This one went
back into the hill and had quite a large tailing pile that spread out
it front of it and down into the wash they had ventured up. Darn Linc
thought, now he might never know which mine the piece of ore Angel
found, had came from. It would be nice to know. This shaft too, had a
large opening, and like the others, still had copper ore in the side
walls. Linc turned on his flashlight and went in a ways. In about
ten feet or so, it split. This one didn't have any timbering in it
either, nor rails, nor sign that it ever had rails in it either. Linc
took pictures and samples. They went out side, then Linc decided to
go to the retreat for lunch.
Back at the retreat, Linc emptied the stuff from the packs then fixed
lunch for them. After lunch and cleanup, :inc took the bags for each
mine and placed them in order he saw them. He downloaded the pictures
and put them with each bag. He would write the reports later. He
took the rock Angel had dug up and cleaned it off a lot better. He
showed it to her again, and she sniffed it and gave it a lick too.
Back at the mountain, he decided to work his way down another road
toward the truck, and check out the mines he saw above him the next
Down the road, he came to a wider wash, that the road went through and
then up a rise onto a bench. There was a small clearing on the bench
that was devoid of any dirt at all. It was a pale green rhyolite,
that looked like it had been swept clean. That was strange he
thought, why was it so different? Along one side of it was a trench.
Linc dropped down into it and saw a long seam of copper minerals
running the full length of it. Why wasn't it ever mined he wondered?
Up out of the trench he went on across the clearing, and found where
the road left it. As he walked along it he could see where the rocks
had been graded off to the side when the road was made. Walking
along, he saw a blue flash of rock, and picked up a chunk of turquoise
about the size of a softball. Very nice material, very solid too.
This was real gemmy material. He picked up several more chunks of
rock on his way back to the truck. He knew of a guy that worked at
the Tru Blu mine who had lapidary equipment. Maybe he would make him
some thing on shares with some of the different materials he had
found here.
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