Sunday, March 25, 2018


Went up prospecting. Phillip did pretty good, but not like the day
before. He has just worn out the second suction tube. He relies most
on this tube to get the gold.. all that sand and gravel, finally
weares the inside of the tube so bad, no packing seems to work any
more. Besides that, they wear out too. This is what he calls his
dilemma. Hell he don't know what a real dilemma is. Look at ir rhis
way...Grandma wants to pretty up the out house, so she decides to give
everything a good coat of paint inside. You know, the old calsamine
paint they used in those days befor they had quick drying latex paint.
That done, she hangs a few pictures and then puts the lime in an old
cracked crock with a lid, instead of an open can with a tin cup. But
darn it, the stains are still visable on the toilet seat. What the
hell. Go get some of that old red barn paint and cover it up so the
stains don't show. After that's painted, she puts a rug in front of
the seat, pats herself on the back because all looks good.... Now
here comes a little 4 year old Grand-daughter who is in a BIG hurry to
go potty. Oh no! a red ring around butt. Now that's a dilemma I
tell him.
I'm afraid that didn't molify him any. He has to scrabble parts from
old tubes and other tubes he has to make another working tube.
Without a tube, he say's you may as well stay home. So you want to
be a prospector??

Take care, love ya'll, Granny

Friday, March 23, 2018


Another day here in sunny (today any way) AZ. Was slight wind as
always. We went up in the mountains to prospest. Phillip did, while
I held down a chair and read in the sunshine.. We saw a lot of deer
on the way up this AM. To close to the road for my liking. We did
see one poor little thing, so sickly looking just standing by the road
all alone. On the way out we saw a herd of guinnies.. I knew there
were turkeys but didn't know about the guinnie hens until today. Saw
one car pulled over to watch them. They are such big birds.

Phillip had another real good day. Got another nice nugget, plus a
lot of small stuff. Guess we will go up again tomorrow.

Getting close to my bedtime, so i will cut this short. I'm as tired
as if I worked all day.

Love ya'll, Granny

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Another day

Got up to more rain this AM. Lots of snow again in the mountains.
Good, Phillip loves it. More snow, more water. We went prospecting
again last Friday. Phillip was hoping to get another good nugget like
he got the time before. He did real good, but no big nuggets like the
one he took this pic of. I guess he plans on going up again
tomorrow.. Gonna be damn cold up there.

I worked on my prospector painting today and started another of a
desert scene. Might as well while I have all the stuff drug out. I
use up most of the paint I have on the palet that way. Less waste.
Stuff isn't cheap.

Getting close to bedtime and I still have some stuff to do.
Love ya'll, Granny

Monday, March 12, 2018


Finished this up yesterday Finally. It seems like it took me a long
time to get it done how I wanted it. I still think I could have done
a better job, but I was getting tired of it. Now I want to get
working on the prospector one. I have the idea, just to put it down
on canvas is the next thing. Under painting done, but got to lighten
it up.

Went prospecting today and Phillip did real good.

Take care all.
Love ya'll. Granny.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


These aer a few of Phillip's latest finds. There are still some
things out in the rig he forgot to bring in. Will get them later.

Cool huh?


Morning all. It's raining out there this morning. Rained all night,
so will be nice and muddy for a bit. We really needed it.

Worked on my animal painting a bit yesterday but not finished to my
liking yet. Seems too dark, but nothing I can do abouy it now

We may go prospecting tomorrw, weather permitting.

Take care all. Granny.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Out and about.

We went up to a new place in Williamson Valley to look for arrowheads.
I stayed with the car but Phillip hiked up in the hills for about 2
miles. He found a bunch of stuff. I will have to recharge the battery
for the camera so I can take pictures.

Still a bit of snow here in shady spots but it did get up into the
60's yesterday.
The rain passed by us to the north but looks like more coming next
week. We need it.
Phillip wanting to go prospecting since water is running but his back
is still bothering him.

I want to finish the one painting I have started, but don't know if I
will get it all done today. I have to make the bear and the coon look
like real animals yet.

Take care, Love ya'll, Granny.