Friday, February 9, 2018


I decided to post a few of Phillips wheapons he made. This one is a
rib set in juniper root with obsidian chips along the edge. Cut your
head off .

We have been trying to stay out of the public places as much as we can
while the flu season is so bad down here. Went into town real early
the other day to get groceries before so many people got there. Too
damn many other people must have had the same idea because it seemed
like there were more people than ever in town. The blasted stores
don't stay open all night like they did in Idaho., or we would shop at

Phillip hurt his back again while out prospecting. Been taking it
easy. We went out arrowhead hunting a few days in a row. Out
yesterday, but Phillip only found 3 real nice points. A lot of broken
ones though. Too much grass where we were parked for me to look even
iff I could get the walker around in it. Was a real grassy year this
year. Looked other years in this area, and hardly any grass. Every
year is different.

I wamt to do some painting today, but going to take a bath first.

Love ya a'll. Granny.

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