Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Floatin' and fishin'

Last week I went up to visit with the folks to do some F&F.  Dad and I took a trip up to Middle Thompson for a little blueback fishing.  We didn't do too shabby, we came back with enough kokanee to make it worthwhile to fire up the smoker.  During our lunch break I was fiddling with my camera and accidentally took this picture.  It's not centered but I think it is pretty cool.

After fishing for bluebacks (or silvers as folks here in Washington call them) we went for a float on the Bull River.  We didn't do any fishing, we were just soaking in the sunshine and floating for the heck of it.  The pictures below are some that I snapped during our floating adventure.

I thought it would be fun to take some video of the gnarly section of the river downstream from my folks house.  

Below is a section just downstream (~30 meters) from my folks house.  

The last sections are one big video that I spliced into smaller portions.  Normally I don't take 8+ min. videos.  It seems like editing, exporting and uploading 2 to 3 minute videos is just more time efficient than doing a single video that is 8 minutes long.  I should put this to a test and time it to see what the temporal difference is, but I'm lazy.  It seems like the last time I tried to upload a long video to YouTube it took 4 hours.  These five videos uploaded in ~20 minutes.  Anyway, I digress, I typically only turn on the record button for a bit then shut it off.  I then splice together the segments that i like.

However, in this situation I dropped into the rapids and didn't really have the chance to mess with my camera until I exited the rapids.  I liked all the footage so I kept it all and created 4 separate segments in order of going downstream with each increment.

1 comment:

Rockhunter said...

Cool pictures. Makes me want to go fishing. Now I can say I floated down the Bull River. Great videos.